Category Archives: Waste and Recycling

Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme- Top 5 Initiatives to Fight Plastic Pollution Part 4

Guest Post by Erika Mastrorosa*

This is our fourth post in a series! This week we investigate how a deposit return scheme could help reduce the pollution associated with plastic production. Check out the previous weeks blogs below.

There are FIVE things we do to reduce our plastic footprint.

  1. Eliminating virgin plastic bottles
  2. Eliminating plastic packaging for food
  3. Using alternative

Using Alternative Mixtures in Manufacturing- Top 5 Initiatives to Fight Plastic Pollution Part 3

Guest Post by Erika Mastrorosa*

Welcome to the third post in a series about tackling the global emergency of plastic pollution.  We will discuss each of the categories below. In this article we take a look at how using alternative mixtures in manufacturing could help reduce the pollution associated with plastic production.

There are FIVE things we can do

Eliminating Plastic Packaging for Food – Top 5 Initiatives to Fight Plastic Pollution Part 2

Guest Post by Erika Mastrorosa*

This is the second post in a series about tackling plastic waste. Plastic pollution is a global emergency and it has been estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fishFollowing on from Erika’s first post about ways to eliminate virgin plastic bottles, we take a look …

Eliminating Virgin Plastic Bottles – Top 5 Initiatives to Fight Plastic Pollution Part 1

Guest Post by Erika Mastrorosa*

With its toxic impact on humans, animals and environment, plastic pollution is a global emergency we can no longer overlook. In our everyday lives, many of us rely on disposable plastic packaging. Although plastic has been made to last forever, 33% is only used once. Plastic cannot biodegrade, it just breaks into smaller pieces

How Does The UK Compare To The Rest Of The World For Recycling?

Guest post by Dean Willshee*

After last year’s disappointing recycling statistics were released, showing that the UK’s recycling rate had actually fallen between the 2014/15 period and the 2015/16 period, it is important to put it into perspective. The period of 2000 to 2017 has been one of significant growth for UK recycling rates. The UK is the 16

Why Is It More Important Than Ever To Reduce Global Emissions?

Guest post by Christina Woodard*

A conscious effort is needed by everyone to reduce our impact on the environment. Climate change will be one of the most serious issues facing us over the next few decades, with CO2 one of the key contributors. The negative impacts include:

  • coastal erosion
  • flooding
  • loss and change of habitats
  • drought
  • increased ranges of

3 Ways To Mitigate The Impact Of Plastic Waste – A Leading Cause of Ocean Contamination and Global Warming

Guest post by Erich Lawson*

Waste management is a major challenge. One of the biggest contributors to ‘waste’ is plastic. A majority of our day to day products are either made from plastic or are packaged with plastic. However, a major consequence of this is, plastic waste has become one of the prime pollutants of our oceans and one of …

Recycling education: are we in need of a new curriculum?

By Dr. Aidan Bell, director at EnviroBuild.*

In 2015, the ‘waste from households’ recycling rate for England dropped below 44% for the first time since 2011. The latest statistics from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) revealed that the amount of household waste being recycled by English homeowners dropped from 44.8% in 2014 to 43.9% in …

25 Top Tips for a Green Christmas

Every year, Christmas places a heavy burden on the earths resources and our environment. However, it is the major festival in Britain, offering lots of fun to millions. We don’t want to be killjoys but we would like to reduce its environmental impact.

Luckily, with a little thought and a bit of information we can significantly reduce its impact, save …