This section is about all things relating to energy – from becoming more energy efficient, to opting for greener ways to power your home, or your business premises!
Here you will find a combination of tips and information that can help people better decisions about their energy provision and consumption.
Saving energy is something we can all do which has a significant impact on the world we live in. The benefits of saving energy are:
- We save precious natural resources
- We save the landscape these resources are extracted from
- We reduce the pollution, particularly the greenhouse gases caused by converting these resources into energy.
A very useful by-product of saving energy is that we can personally save money.
As well as a collection of interesting articles and news, you might find the following Energy related topics at en-form interesting:
Green Homes Project – Real homes open to the public, so you can see what energy saving ideas other Essex property owners are implementing to reduce their energy consumption… and bills!
The Big Energy Saving Network – We are members of the Big Energy Saving Network, a project funded by the Department of Energy and Climate Change to offer a free, impartial energy bill review service to local consumers.
Energy Links
Energy Saving Trust – The main site for up to date energy advice in the UK.
Centre for Alternative Technology – Excellent site for new ideas and technologies.
Energy Myth Busting – Such as should you leave the heating on all day or switch off.
Live National Grid update on how the UK’s energy is being generated.