Colchester residents, we need your HELP.
We are looking for people who can help and spare some time to protect trees.
Trees are important, Oak trees for example can live hundreds of years, supporting more life (over 300 species) than any other native tree species in the UK; even its fallen leaves support biodiversity. When the tree dies, it can take hundreds of years to rot away still supporting wildlife while it does. Not to mention the carbon they store and the clean air they provide us with. The more mature the tree the more powerful its lungs and the more effective they are at tackling our global climate crisis and the air pollution that is affecting Colchester.
In the UK, the value of trees for flood protection is estimated to be £6.5 billion, and £6.1 billion for urban cooling.
It’s our duty as residents, councillors, politicians and as custodians of this planet to protect these mature tree’s…….they’ve given us life. Right now, they need us as much as we need them.
A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is put in place to preserve single or groups of trees. When a tree has a TPO you can’t undertake work to it unless you’ve applied for Tree Works Consent and that work is approved by the Council.
Right now, with so much of our Greenspace under threat, something as simple as submitting a TPO can help make it that little bit more difficult for developers! And here’s the great news, ANYONE can submit a TPO and it’s pretty straight forward to do.
So, while you’re out on your daily walk, or sitting looking out of your window, take a look at this site and check whether the tree you’re looking at is currently protected. You will need to go to the Map Legend on the right and scroll down to Tree Preservation Orders and tick the box. Protected trees will appear in green on the map.
If the tree isn’t currently protected, make sure you snap a photo and use your smart phone map (or a GPS app) to record the GPS location.
You will need the following information:
- your name and address and a contact telephone number
- address of the land on which the trees stand, if different from your address
- reason to consider protecting the trees with a Tree Preservation Order – give number of trees and species, if known
- photos or a sketch of the location of the trees and surrounding properties or landmarks
- whether the tree is under threat
This information then needs to be submitted to this email address: Planning.services@colchester.gov.uk
We all play a crucial role in protecting our environment. If everyone submitted a TPO for one tree, we’d be helping to protect trees, our environment and ourselves.
More Information
- Colchester Bough Council guide to Tree Preservation Orders
- A Friends of the Earth guide to Tree Preservation Orders
- Woodland Trust Campaign
- Government Guidance on Tree Preservation Orders
Grace Darke Volunteer Co-ordinator of Eco Colchester
We have a mature Oak tree at the end of our garden which we and our wildlife love. It is at the very end of the garden and overhangs a couple of properties backing onto us. I came home this afternoon to find a man
Cutting off some of the branches which over hang his garden. One of my concerns was how dry our weather has been and the impact this could have on the health of the tree. Can we get a preservation order to protect it please.