
transportThis is our Transport information centre, packed full of interesting information and initiatives to help residents and business owners in Colchester cut their carbon footprint when it comes to travel.

Here you will find a combination of tips and information about choosing modes of travel that will have less of an impact on the environment, how to offset your carbon footprint if you do travel a lot, and of course new technologies that embrace eco-friendly efforts.

Cutting our carbon emission through mindful travelling is something we can all do to make world we live in a better place. And it’s easier than you might think!

  • Walk more
  • Cycle more
  • Use public transport more

Giving up a car isn’t always easy, and for some, having a car is essential. In which case you could:

  • Drive more efficiently – save fuel, save money, save the planet!
  • Choose cleaner fuel – LPG, hybrid and electric cars are here to stay!

And as for going on holiday, well you don’t HAVE to give up those short haul flights, but you might have a lot more fun doing things another way!

Enter our Transport information centre to find out more!

Supporting Better Transport!

Colchester Cycling Campaign – shaping the future for everyday cycling in Colchester.

The Cyclists Touring Club – national cycling charity supporting local cycling projects.

Sustrans – charity enabling people to choose healthier, cleaner and cheaper journeys.

Climate Care – offset your emissions by planting trees.

Better Transport – supporting groups and individuals around the country to make sustainable transport a reality.

Colchester Travel Plan Club – network of businesses working together to encourage their staff to use sustainable transport for the journey to work.

Colchester Bus Users Group

Loveurcarcolchester tips on car sharing and environmetally friendly driving..

Essexliftshare national car share service where you can seach for someone share a car journey