en-form Press Releases 2003

en-form Press Releases 2003

Last Farmers Market of the Year – Press Release – 15th December 2003

The Colchester Farmers Market makes its last appearance of the year this Week in the town centre.

Six stalls have been allocated to the Farmers Market as part of Colchesters late night shopping. The stalls can be found at the corner of Head Street and Culver Street and will be open from 9am to 9.30pm whilst stocks last.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” we are glad to have been offered the opportunity of having a mini Farmers Market in the town centre so close to Christmas. This will be the last Colchester Farmers market until the 6th February next year.”

Dedham Farmers Market – Press Release – 15th December 2003

It’s Christmas, the season of good food and cheer. How better to celebrate than eating fine food, produced from the very best ingredients.

Come along to Dedham’s Farmers’ Market and choose what you want to put on your Christmas table from; fresh meats and vegetables to cakes and fruit juices.

Unwrap your favourite foods fresh from the farmers’ fields this Christmas at the last Farmers Market of the year at Dedham Assembly Rooms between 9am and 1pm on the 19th December.

Clacton Christmas Market – Press Release – 27th November 2003

This weekend see’s one of the biggest Christmas Markets in the area at the Clacton Factory Shopping Village.

The market has been organised by Colchester based environment group en-form who run the Colchester and Dedham Farmers’ Markets.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” we had a small Farmers’ Market at Clacton in the summer but it attracted so many customers that we needed a lot more stalls than than you normally get at a Farmers’ Market.”

The market will have over 25 stalls including many seen at local Farmers’ Markets as well as speciality food and local craft stalls where you can pick up unusual presents for Christmas.

The market will be open from 10am to 6pm on Saturday the 29th November and from 11am to 5pm on Sunday at the Clacton Factory Shopping Village.

Farmers Market Hamper Draw – Press Release – 4th November 2003

With Christmas fast approaching the traders at Colchester farmers market have got together to provide a free prize draw for a Christmas hamper made up of items available from the market.

Everyone visiting the farmers market on November 7th or December 5th can fill in a survey form and get free entry to the draw.

En-form spokesman Andrew Wilkinson said ” The Colchester Farmers Market has proved to be a great success since its launch earlier in the year. We now wish to build on this success by doing a quick survey and at the same time give our customers the chance to win a Christmas Hamper”.

The next farmers market will be held this Friday (7th November) at the Arts Centre, Colchester from 9.30am to 1.30 pm.

Further details can be obtained by calling en-form on 01206 367776.

EN-FORMING US ABOUT LOCAL FOOD – Press Release – 15th October 2003

En-form, the Environment Centre in Colchester, is celebrating after receiving grants totalling £50,000 for a Local Food Project.

The project will be developed over the next 15 months and will include the production of a Local Food Directory available as a printed booklet and on the internet. Over 20,000 copies will be distributed throughout Essex and parts of Suffolk this year and next year.

The project will also include setting up local organic box schemes and supporting local food producers through Farmers Markets.

Andrew Wilkinson of En-form said: ” This project was created following requests from customers at local Farmers Markets who wanted to know where they could buy locally produced food. It is a project that continues to develop as we receive more requests from customers and producers.’’

Apart from local food producers who will be entitled to a free entry in the directory, it will benefit an increasing number of the local population who wish to locate the wide range of local and distinctive food and drinks that are available in this part of the Anglia Region. The directory will be available free of charge.

The project is supported by a Lottery grant of £40,000 from the Social, Economic and Environmental Development (SEED) Programme.

The £15.3 million SEED Programme, managed by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation (RSNC) and 11 consortium partners, distributes National Lottery money on behalf of the New Opportunities Fund, under its Green Spaces and Sustainable Communities funding programme.

The SEED Programme aims to stimulate local economic development and support community enterprise, promoting sustainability and helping disadvantaged communities improve the quality of their environment.

In addition, further funding has come from a variety of other sources including £6,500 from the Colchester Borough Council, £1000 from Tendring Rural Action Fund, £500 from Tendring District Council and £300 from the Co-op.

If you are a local producer and would like a free entry in the Local Food Directory please contact Andrew Wilkinson at en-form on 01206 367776.

Dedham Farmers Market – Press Release – 14th October 2003

Following last months use it or lose it plea the Dedham Farmers Market is back again this month.

The next market will be held at the Dedham Assembly Rooms this Friday the 17th October.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” The people of Dedham turned out in force last month to support and save the market. We have agreed to keep the market going until Christmas when the situation will again be reviewed. However if it attracts as many customers as last month it will almost certainly continue.”

The market will be held from 9am to 1pm. For further information contact en-form on 01206 367776.

Colchester Farmers Market Celebrates Apple Day – Press Release – 30th September 2003

The next Colchester Farmers Market will be celebrating Apple Day early. Officially Apple Day is on the 21st October but there is no market on this date.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” We are quite lucky in this area to still have so many apple producers. Many local orchards still grow up to 49 varieties of apple – some unique to this area. Two local apple growers will be at this weeks Farmers Market and will be offering free apple and juice tasters to customers.”

Over 15 stalls selling everything from fresh fruit and veg to meat, eggs, jams and local speciality foods will be available. Back this month should be game, smoked salmon and homemade pies.

The next Farmers Market will be held this Friday, 3rd October at the Colchester Arts Centre from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Back from the Dedham! – Press Release – 29th September 2003

The Dedham Farmers’ Market is back and here to stay until at least Christmas.

A use it or lose it plea was put out by the organiser’s en-form at the last market and local villagers turned out in force to support it.

Andrew Wilkinson at en-form said ‘‘the number of customers at the last Dedham Farmers Market exceeded our expectations. This was the most customers we have had since last Christmas. Local people have ensured the market will be open until at least December. We are grateful to the extensive media coverage and messages of support we have received.’’

The market will continue on the third Friday of the month till the New Year, the dates being 17th October, 21st November and 19th December.

Dedham Farmers Market set to Close – Press Release – 16th September 2003

After more than two succesful years Dedham Farmers Market is set to close.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” Since Christmas, the number of customers visiting the market has continued to fall and over the last few months the takings have not even covered the cost of the hall. We will be sorry to close the market but unless the market is very successful on Friday it will be the last one.”

A number of shops in the village will be sad to see it go as it brought in extra visitors to the village on market days.

The Farmers market will be on this Friday 19th September from 9am to 1pm at the Assembly Rooms in Dedham High Street.

Colchester Farmers Market gets Bigger and Better – Press Release – 2nd September 2003

The Colchester Farmers Market has now firmly established itself at the Colchester Arts Centre and is set to become a regular fixture on the first Friday of every month.

Over 15 stalls selling everything from fresh fruit and veg to meat, eggs, jams and local speciality foods will be available.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” The market has proved itself more popular than we originally anticipated and we now have a waiting list of producers wanting to have stalls.”

The next Farmers Market will be held this Friday, 5th September at the Colchester Arts Centre from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Coastal Awareness Day – Press Release – 29th July 2003

We all know the best place to be when it is hot and sunny is at the beach and we’ve added an extra dose of fun in the summer holidays with our Coastal Awareness Day. It will be held on Wednesday the 6th August at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea between 10am and 4pm.

The event is being organised by en-form (Colchester’s Environment Centre), Essex County Council and Colchester Borough Council.

There will be a whole range of activities on the day including bird watching, beach combing and shell crafts. If you want to learn more about the Essex coast or how to be safe at the beach there will also be a variety of information displays.

For just £2.00 your child can enjoy all the activities for the whole day and parents or guardians can accompany them for free. If you are an adult who is keen on exploring our coast then pay just £2.00 and you can take part too.

So come along and enjoy the surf, sand, trees and grass of Cudmore Grove country park.

Colchester Farmers Market gets Bigger and Better – Press Release – 29th July 2003

Following last months successful re-launch of the Colchester Farmers’ Market this weeks market is set to be even bigger and better.

New stalls will include beef, lamb, poultry, pork, sausages and pies bringing the total number of stalls up to 16.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” We received a lot of good ideas from both customers and stallholders after the first market and we intend to implement as many of them as we can over the next few months. We have made a start by having 4 new stalls and the Arts Centre have managed to make the hall much lighter.”

The next Farmers Market will be held this Friday, 1st August at the Colchester Arts Centre from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Trees for Cans – Press Release – 21st July 2003

Colchester residents will have a chance to literally turn the town green next year by recycling aluminum cans and foil.

Alupro (the Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation) have launched a scheme that turns every kilo of aluminum recycled into trees that will be planted in parks, gardens, woodland and schools throughout the town.

The project is being organised by Alupro in partnership with Colchester Borough Council and en-form the environment centre.

Ros Sheppard, Community Projects Manager, Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro) said, “It couldn’t be easier to take part, simply recycle your aluminium cans and foil through the towns can banks, kerbside collection or community recycling schemes, every can and piece of foil will count”.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” Recycling aluminium cans can also be a good fundraiser for local groups, charities and schools. A special schools pack will be available in September. If your school or community group would like to find out how to make money by recycling cans and foil give me a call”

Colchester already recycles over 20% of its domestic waste and residents can help us to plant more trees by recycling aluminium cans through the kerbside collection which is available throughout the borough.

Recycling aluminium saves 95% of the energy used in primary production, so saving natural resources as well as reducing litter and waste.

Information on this scheme can be obtained from Andrew Wilkinson at en-form on 01206 367776 or from there office at 15 Church Walk, Colchester.

Colchester GM Debate – Press Release – 2nd July 2003

Genetic Modification (GM) of crops and food is the subject of intense public interest and a national series of debates has been organised.

Deliberately introducing genes from different species into crops could dramatically reduce the need for chemicals, improve people’s health and improve yields. However it could have unforeseen consequences which are devastating to human health and wildlife. Few current issues are as important.

In Colchester en-form has organised a debate Tuesday 8th July, 6 pm – 9:30 pm at the Town Hall. The evening will be an ideal opportunity to explore the implications of GM for our health, environment and future with 6 expert speakers representing a wide range of views for and against the new technology.

Chaired by Dr Sam Steel (Pro-Vice-Chancellor Essex University) the debate has Prof. Conrad Lichtenstein (CropGen), Dr Katherine Rockett (Essex University) and Guy Smith (Farmer) supporting GM and Dr Chris Gibson (English Nature), Peter Riley (Friends of the Earth) and Dr Ricarda Steinbrecher (Econexus) highlighting the potential problems.

Following a short presentation by each of the speakers there will be an opportunity to ask questions and engage in the (hopefully) lively debate. At the end of the evening there will be a vote and people will be able to take away the GM Nation feedback forms to return before the consultation period ends on the 18th July. Refreshments provided.

The debate is supported by en-form, Colchester Borough Council and Colchester Friends of the Earth.

Short biographies of (most) of the speakers follows

Prof Conrad Lichtenstein

Conrad Lichtenstein is the Chair of Molecular Biology at Queen Mary, University of London (since 1996). He has over 25 years of research experience working in the field of molecular biology. His doctoral training was at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge,UK and was followed by a post-doctoral training at the University of Washington in Seattle. From 1983-1994 he was a faculty member in the Biochemistry Department at Imperial College,University of London and in 1995, was on sabbatical at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, USA.

Conrad Lichtenstein uses RNA silencing technology to control gene expression in plants. RNA silencing is a natural mechanism of organisms to control the production of specific target proteins. His research group was the first to successfully apply this to engineer resistance to virus infection in genetically modified plants and led to an invitation from scientists in Pakistan to collaborate, with public sector funding, to produce GM cotton plants with resistance to a serious endemic viral pathogen that reduces cotton yields by 30%. Cotton is an important cash crop in Pakistan and the textile industry is the major source of foreign exchange earnings.

He also discovered that the very genes his laboratory were inserting into plants had jumped in 25 million years earlier so showing that genetic modification can occur in Nature. In addition to research publications, he is committed to the public understanding of science and has written on genetic modification issues and other topics for the broad-sheet press.

Dr Chris Gibson

English Nature can best be described as ‘precautionary anti’ ie we can see the risks to biodiversity, but we maintain that full evaluation is necessary before a decision can/should be taken. We have a view on GMs only insofar as nature conservation issues are concerned, and I will not engage in debate about other matters.

I am Senior Conservation Officer for English Nature in Essex, where I have spent the last 18 years working, after completing my PhD on the Population Ecology of Parasitic Plants at the University of East Anglia.

Guy Smith

Essex farmer farming 500 hectares of crops on the north east Essex coast. Someone who has studied GM crop production in Canada, the US, Spain and in the UK crop trials

Essex NFU Council member

Journalist – winner of the 2003 PPA columnist of the year award.


Nuffield Scholar

Katharine Rockett

Joined Essex in 1999. Her research interest include the economics of new technologies, firm organisation and licensing. Recent publications appear in the Rand Journal of Economics, The International Journal of Industrial Organisation, and The Review of Economic Design

Pete Riley Senior Campaigner Real Food and Farming Campaign Friends of the Earth

Pete Riley was born in Reading and graduated with a BSc(Hons) in Ecological Science from the University of Edinburgh. He briefly worked for the Countryside Commission on recreational cycling projects before beginning a 16 year association with sustainable food production research projects in the Vale of Evesham. He helped established one of the first local vegetable distribution projects in the UK based on a three acre holding. Following this he worked as a research consultant on waste minimisation and recycling in Leedsfor five years. Pete has been an active member of the Friends of the Earth network since the 1970s. In the 1980s he investigated contamination of the Rivers Severn and Avonwith organochlorine compounds and mercury which led to the successful prosecution of a major chemical company. He also investigated sales of DDT in the Vale of Evesham at a time when there was a voluntary ban in place. He joined Friends of the Earth’s Real Food Campaign team in 1997 and has been Senior Campaigner since 1999. He is based in Friends of the Earth’s Northern Office in Leeds and lives near Barnsley in South Yorkshire.

Your Say on GM Foods – Press Release- 25th June 2003

A major debate on Genetically Modified Foods (the GM Debate) is to be held in Colchester on Tuesday the 8th July at the Town Hall in Colchester.

The debate is being organised by the environment centre en-form in association with Colchester Friends of the Earth, Colchester GM Campaign and Weeley Against Genetic Exploitation.

Don Manhire of en-form stated ”Because the nearest government sponsored GM debate for people in the East of England is in Birmingham, the interest in the Colchester debate has been far greater than originally anticipated. We are very grateful to Colchester Borough Council who have agreed to host the debate at the Town Hall”.

The debate will begin at 6pm and is expected to end at 9.30pm. It will consist of speakers representing all viewpoints and will be followed by a question and answer session at which the public can put there concerns to the panel.

Official feedback forms will be available at the event which will enable you to register your views on GM issues to the Government. The Government Consultation period ends on the 18th July.

Unlike some other events the Colchester debate will be open to the general public and it is hoped that everybody who is concerned about this issue will make a point of attending. Although you can turn up on the night it would be helpful to the organisers if you could inform them you will be attending.

Further details of the debate can be obtained from Don Manhire on 01206 367776 or by visting en-form at 15 Church Walk, Colchester or the website www.en-form.org.uk/gm.

Farmers Market Relaunch – Press Release -25th June 2003

After receiving numerous requests from the public, en-form the environment centre will be relaunching the Colchester Farmers’ Market at the Arts Centre in Church Street.

The first market will be opened by Deputy Mayor John Bouckley on Friday the 4th July and will open from 9am to 1pm.

If the market proves successful future markets will be held on the first Friday of the month.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” we have been looking for a site for the Farmers’ Market since it had to close over a year ago when the main market was relocated from Vineyard Street.”

He added ” we are grateful to the Arts Centre who stepped in to offer us a venue when they heard our previous attempts to site the market in Culver Square and at the Baptist Church fell through”.

Although the first market has been hastily arranged 10 producers selling a wide range of local produce have already applied for a stall.

Further information on the market or details on renting a stall can be obtained from en-form on 01206 367776 or by visiting there office at 15 Church Walk, Colchester.

Dedham Farmers Market – Press Release – 18th June 2003

The first Dedham Farmers Market of the summer will be held this Friday the 20th June from 9am to 1pm at the Assembly Rooms in Dedham High Street.

Apart from the usual wide range of locally produced foods including meats, fruit, veg, fish and preserves the first of the summer crops will be available.

With Wimbledon Tennis starting next week why not taste the first crop of strawberries and take advantage of the wide range of salad crops picked fresh from the farm.

Colchester Gets Composting – Press Release – 28th April 2003

Find out how to make the most of your garden and give the kids something to do by popping along to the Composting Roadshow.

The roadshow will be held on the 2nd May between 9am and 3pm at the Lion Walk centre.

On show will be compost bins which can be ordered for a heavily subsidised price of only £5 and a wormery which is also available at a subsidised price.

Free seeds such as runner beans will be available together with a £1 discount voucher which can be used against purchases of soil improver from the civic amenity site until the 10th May.

Staff from Essex County Council will be available to offer advice on composting in Essex.

Compost Bins for £5 – Press Release – 23rd April 2003

With Easter behind us and the gardening season in full flow this is the perfect time to pick up some garden bargains.

This Sunday the 27th you can pick up a compost bin for only £5 and a subsidised water butt for only £12 courtesy of Essex County Council.

The one day sale will take place at Sheepen Road car park, Colchester from 10am to 3pm.

Staff from Colchester Borough Council and en-form the environment centre will be on hand to offer advice on composting or answer your general recycling questions.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said” If you have a garden the best and cheapest way of keeping it in tip top condition is to make and use your own compost and you will be hard pressed to find a compost bin cheaper than £5. ”

Market Day Change – Press Release – 14th April 2003

The Dedham Farmers Market will be held this Thursday the 17th April from 9am to 1pm instead of Friday because of the Easter break.

Apart from the usual wide range of locally produced foods including meats, fruit, veg, fish and preserves you will also be able to pick up plants and garden crafts for the busy Easter gardening weekend.

Free parking is available and details are available from Andrew Wilkinson at en-form on 01206 367776.

Free Nappies For Colchester Mums – Press Release – 6th April 2003

Mums in Colchester can save up to £700 by switching from disposable to real nappies and for a limited time they can save even more.

Essex County Council are giving away free nappies and £10 discount vouchers at the Real Nappy Roadshow in Culver Street West this Wednesday the 9th April. There will also be free advice and demonstrations to show mums how easy and convenient real nappies are these days.

Over the next few weeks you can also pop into En-form the Colchester Environment Centre in Church Walk off Head Street or telephone Andrew Wilkinson on 01206 367776 to apply for your free nappy starter pack or £10 voucher and find out more about the benefits to you, your family, there health and the environment.

Real nappies have been considerably improved in recent years and are now just as convenient as disposables. So if you are a Colchester mum why not come and find out more and help us reduce the three lorry loads of nappies buried in Colchester everyday at a cost of over £42,000 per year to Colchester tax payers.

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