Colchester residents and businesses are being urged to support the Colchester E Cargo bike delivery service which started in February.
The service has been busy supporting local businesses, Community Groups such as the Foodbank and residents in an eco-friendly way.
Deliveries and pickups are made using a new E- Cargo bike which is part of Colchester Borough Councils new E-Cargo bike library, instead of a fossil fuelled vehicle emitting harmful pollution.
They are currently trying to raise funds through the Aviva Community Trust crowdfunding platform. So far, they have raised £1350 which is 67% of their target of £2000.
The funds raised will be used to buy equipment to keep the service running for its first 12 months and to offer a free delivery service for Community Groups such as the Foodbank, Tots to Teens to their clients. Many of whom have mobility issues or are currently socially isolating during lockdown.
Lee Pugh the chief pilot said ‘this service has really taken off over the past few weeks showing there is a huge demand for this service. People love the fact that their deliveries are being made in an eco-friendly and low-cost way. Community groups dealing with some of the most vulnerable people in Colchester love using this free delivery service and local businesses are benefiting from offering a low-cost delivery service to their customers. For myself I am getting fit and healthy. I have so far ridden over 400 miles. That’s further than the distance from Colchester to Edinburgh.’
If you are a Community Group or business wanting to set up a delivery service contact Lee Pugh on 07852 958953 or hello@ecargobikecolchester.com
If you would like to help us provide this service, you can donate to us at www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/colchester-e-cargo-bike-delivery-service. You can even benefit from rewards such as discounted delivery.