en-form Press Releases 2004

Shop for a Good Cause – Press Release – 2nd December 2004
Environment group en-form are hoping to cash in on shoppers this Christmas with the launch of an internet shopping service.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ‘ like any charity we are always looking to raise funds to continue our work. As an environment centre we would encourage people to buy only what they need but if you are going to buy an item anyway please do so through this website and raise money for a good cause’.

Well known retailers such as Amazon, Comet and Marks and Spencer are participating in the scheme and other charities can set up their own free web shop.

Every time a purchase is made using the online web shop a commission is paid to the charity.

The shop can be found at www.buy.at/enform or on enform’s website www.en-form.org.uk.

Raised Standards at Environment Centre – Press Release – 30th November 2004
Colchester Environment Charity en-form are celebrating after achieving Investor in People status.

Nicola Thompson of en-form said ‘all our staff and volunteers have been working hard this year to improve the environment in Essex. It’s nice to know that the importance we place on our staff and volunteers has been recognised by receiving this award’.

Investor in People is a nationally recognised standard that assesses the importance that organisations place in the people who work for them through training and development.

A Summer Splash – Press Release – 23rd July 2004
We all know the best place to be when it is hot and sunny is at the beach and we’ve added an extra dose of fun in the summer holidays with our Coastal Awareness Day. It will be held on Wednesday the 11th August  at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea between 11am and 4pm.

The event is being organised by en-form (Colchester’s Environment Centre) and the rangers at Cudmore Grove, there will be a whole range of activities on the day including wildlife walks, mud dipping and as special treat this year there will be Sea Shanty workshops run by Clarty Sough who are well known for their performances at folk music and maritime festivals across the uk and have won various music competitions.

Learn about the smuggling activities going on in Essex in the 18th Centaury and what dress was right for the occasion.

There will also be art and craft activities and information stalls on various coastal themes by the RNLI, various councils and en-form.

For just £2.00 for all day parking you and child your child can enjoy all the activities, children must be accompanied by an adult.

So come along and enjoy the surf, mud and wildlife of Cudmore Grove Country Park, for further details and times for the walks and workshops please call Dougal at Cudmore Grove on 01206 383868.

New National Standard Cycle Training Launched at Tendring Show-Press Release – 12th July 2004
The new National Standard Cycling Award, which replaces the cycling proficiency test from September, was formally launched at the Tendring Show preview on Friday (9 July) by the Deputy Leaders of Essex County Council and Colchester Borough Council.

Cllr Sarah Candy, a regular cyclist who arrived at Saturday’s Show by bike, and Cllr Robert Davidson, also a cyclist, met representatives of the twelve professionally-qualified instructors whose initial training has been partly funded by both Councils.

The training has been developed nationally by a curriculum body including the Department of Transport, the Local Authority Road Safety Officers Association, RoSPA and national cyclists’ organisations.  It enables both adults and children to ride safely and confidently on the road in today’s busy traffic conditions.  The local scheme, initiated by members of the Colchester Cycling Campaign, is believed to have trained more instructors than anywhere outside London.

The local instructors will operate under the umbrella of the en-form transport project, based in Colchester, which also promotes car-sharing, Bike Week and In Town Without My Car (www.22september.org.uk), the international car free day held annually on 22 September.  They will offer training for employers, schools, community organisations and individuals across North Essex and en-form is working with local partners to access further funding to provide access for everyone.

Pam Nelson, one of the instructors who also co-ordinates the project says: “The professionalising of cycle training is an essential part of the Government’s new Action Plan for Cycling and Walking, which aims to make cycling and walking easier, safer and more attractive.  Thanks to the foresight of local cyclists in getting qualified so quickly, we are now well prepared to deliver the training for any organisation in our area.”

Jane Gardner from Essex County Council and member of the Colchester 2020 Partnership and the Tendring Local Strategic Partnership welcomed the launch of this initiative saying, “At its recent Assembly meeting, the Colchester 2020 Partnership launched its Travel Plan Club, which could have a huge impact on traffic congestion in Colchester in the future.  We want to help people who work in our organisations re-think their travel choices, and provide them with proper alternatives to driving to work in their car on their own.  Cycling is one such alternative and the availability of this training will ensure that it is a safer and more attractive option.”

David Hewitt Project Director for Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust which operates Colchester General Hospital said: “We are looking forward to offering these courses to our staff and their families later in the year. We believe the promotion of cycling has enormous health benefits for us all, as well as reducing traffic congestion, and we would encourage everybody to participate in any way that they can.”

Further details are available from Pam Nelson, project co-ordinator, en-form, 15 Church Walk, Colchester CO1 1NS, tel 01206 367776.


The adult National Standard was launched in May 2003; the new joint standard for adults and children will be launched at the CTC conference in September 2004.

Funding to train the 12 local instructors was provided by Colchester Borough Council, Tendring District Council, the University of Essex, Essex County Council, Laurel Spooner GP and Colchester Garrison.

The local instructor training was delivered by CT UK (www.cycletraining.co.uk) one of four national training providers accredited under the new National Standard.  This not-for-profit company has already been very helpful with advice in setting up the local scheme.

Launch of Clacton Farmers Market – Press Release – 30th April 2004
This month sees the launch of the Clacton Farmers Market. It will be one of the biggest Farmers’ Markets in the area and will be a weekend event.The first market will be held on Saturday the 8th May from 10am to 6pm and Sunday the 9th May from 11am to 5pm at the Clacton Factory Shopping Village.

Apart from the usual Farmers Market stalls selling a full range of seasonal local produce from meat, vegetables and fish to home baked cakes, pies and sweets the market will include a Garden and Plant Fayre – just right to stock up your garden for spring and summer.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ’’we tried two markets in Clacton last year which proved to be very popular with stallholders and customers alike. They were our most successful markets and we received numerous requests to make them a permanent feature’’.

The markets will be held on the second weekend of the month and will have around 20 stalls. Apart from the Farmers Market the event will include Craft and Seafood Fayres in future months.

Full details can be obtained from Andrew Wilkinson at en-form on 01206 367776.

First Colchester Farmers Market of the Year-Press Release-1st February 2004
This Friday sees the welcome return of Colchester Farmers’ Market after it’s winter break.

The market, which was re-launched in July, was so successful last year, that it will continue to be held for the next 12 months at it’s adopted home – Colchester Arts Centre.

Andrew Wilkinson, of en-form said: “ The market is now well established, with 14 regular stalls selling everything from meats, cakes and cheeses, to fresh fruit and vegetables. You can even pick up a lunch-time snack or sit down and relax with a cup of coffee.”

En-form will also be launching their local food directory at the market, which details the wide range of food that is produced and available locally. The guide has been produced in response to customer requests and is available free of charge.

The Farmers’ Market will be held at the Colchester Arts Centre this Friday, the 6th February from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Dedham Farmers’ Market Still On – Press Release – 14th January 2004
The first Dedham Farmers’ Market of the year will be held this Friday, 16th January at the Assembly Rooms in Dedham High Street.

The market almost closed in September because the number of customers visiting the market had declined dramatically over the year.

A successful use it or lose it plea was made by the organisers en-form  and the market was saved until the end of the year. The market is still hanging on – albeit by a slender thread.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ” we are reviewing the market on a month by month basis at the moment. We still need to attract more customers to keep the market going in 2004”.

The market will be open from 9am to 1pm with stalls selling a wide range of local produce.

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