Intro by Guest Blogger: Maggie Baker*
Energy conservation efforts have made headlines over the last few years, but many people still don’t understand the importance of reducing energy consumption. Why should you make an effort to conserve energy at home? Here are some of the many benefits of living in an energy efficient home:
Lower Utility Bills
Utility companies charge customers based on the amount of energy that they consume during the month. Therefore, people who make an effort to reduce their energy use will spend less on utilities every month. How much can you save? Simply replacing traditional light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs in some of your home’s light fixtures can save you money, and if you sort out uncontrolled air leaks in your home, you’ll save even more!
Comfortable Living
Living in an energy efficient home is more comfortable than living in a home that wastes energy. Why? An energy efficient home that is properly insulated and does not have any air leaks, will be warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. The temperature will also be consistent throughout the house, so there won’t be any rooms that are cooler or hotter than others.
Better For the Environment
Homeowners that live in an energy efficient home are doing their part to protect the environment. Reducing energy consumption allows us to save the world’s dwindling supply of natural resources and cut down on pollution. Lowering greenhouse gas emissions plays a big role in fighting the effects of climate change. This is why it’s so important now, more than ever before to embrace an energy efficient lifestyle.
Are you ready to start saving energy? Fortunately, saving energy doesn’t have to be complicated. There are many simple changes and upgrades that you can make to start saving today. Take a look at this infographic provided by Homeselfe to learn how to get started:
*Please note that the views are that of the author, not necessarily that of en-form.