#30 Days Green

This July, we challenge you to go green or at least a bit greener!

Admittedly we have stolen this idea from the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days of Wild but good ideas need sharing.

Its a very simple idea. Can you do something green every day throughout July? That’s 30 simple, fun and exciting (OK so some of them wont be that exciting) Random Acts of Greeness. We know. There are 31 days in July but you can have a rest on the 31st and reflect on all your good and positive actions and bask in your feelings of satisfaction.

What is a Random Act of Greeness?

A Random Act of Greeness is about implementing some easy, small changes to your lifestyle to help make the world a slightly better place at the end of the month. All you need to do is to take a simple, small Random Act of Greeness everyday in July for 30 days. You can have a rest on the 31st day and reflect on your achievements safe in the knowledge you have made the world a slightly better place.

You can use our ideas as inspiration (bear with us, we haven’t thought of 30 yet) or better still get creative and use your own. Please let us know your ideas so that we can share them.

Take the #30DaysGreen Challenge with en-form!

Keep up to date with our ideas and help us by making up your own simple, easy, green, eco friendly Random Acts of Greeness to inspire you and others throughout July (and beyond). Share them with us by leaving your ideas in the comments box and on our Facebook page using #30DaysGreen.



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